Day of the Jasper!
So today, was one of those days when our middle child was up for auction, well not really, but boy was it one of those days. The start wasn't so bad but by lunch she was in full swing of the whining, crying, complaining and ohhhhh that defiant spirit mode!! After a timeout, a few talking too's, lunch was done and little sister was off for her nap. After Daddy was back at work, so was she, managing to wake up little sister from her nap, and after having proceeded to paint herself with paint, mom enters and ergo more timeouts! Playdough in multiple pieces on the floor, toys and what not strewn everywhere, screaming, fighting and all that two siblings could muster, the afternoon went on. At supper things seemed almost too calm, which I should have recognized as the calm before the storm, but hey, there is always hope, right!! We sit down to relax, watch a show, and then big brother says those famous words, "Mom, Dad, one of you should come here" Oh, No!! As we make our way to the bathroom, the next words come out, "Jasper cut her hair again!!" Now some of you know this has been part of her repertoire in the past but after her last haircut at the hairdresser there was hope that she would not need to take it into her own hands once again. This was the wishful thinking on our part, well mostly mine i guess! This time however, she has done a much better job, making sure those bangs were good and short so it wouldn't get into her eyes, so she claims. On top of it all, she has now recruited another, and yes, little sister has joined in on the cost cutting, self haircutting scheme. It is in these moments, or these days when you look at the wild animal kingdom and come to the understanding why some of the mothers have been known to eat there young!!
It is also at these moments that you are thankful to have a camera and the internet to share with the rest of your friends and family why prayer is so important!
Please take a moment to enjoy the new styles of the girls below, thankfully Jessi isn't quite as handy yet and didn't do too much damage, sorry i mean artistry like that of her sister. We are thinking that the new family pics for our missionary prayer cards will now be postponed until regrowth occurs!