All I want for the next 4-5 years is my Front Tooth back!!!

Sooooooooooooooooo, what can I say about the adventure this weekend? Our youngest daughter decided to outdo her big sister in the dental department. Two years ago Jasper had broken her tooth on some concrete steps, and then fell on her face shortly after making them look ever so lovely. And so following in her sister's footsteps, or rather face plants, Jessi gave us a scare on Sunday by falling down the stairs with her little bike. She managed to totally knock out her front tooth, loosen the two on either side and add a few minor bruises on her cheek, eye and stomach. Dwayne was away with Scott, Carol, Becky and Nathan at a camp convention. Patsy, Lidi and I were doing a presentation for Quest at a nearby city when we got the rather scary phone call from Lidi's parents who were quite upset and panicking as to what to do. So off Lidi and I went back home picked up Jessi, took her to emergency in the city to make sure there was no major damage done. I must say this kid has got a pretty good pain threshold and that God was definitely among us. She didn't have a concussion which was a relief and we have since been sent to a dentist who has referred us to a specialist to get her teeth checked out. We may have to get a spacer put in at some point to leave room for the permanent tooth to come down and keep the others from closing in, but that we will see later this afternoon.
For now, Jessi is thrilled with scaring her sister with her scary face and enjoying this power over her!! She is as we would say a little stinker and at times relentless!!! Jasper does not appreciate the faces, and big brother is feeling quite bad for his baby sister who must have had a lot of pain with that tooth being knocked out!

So for now we will wait and see what the next step is and hope that this week will be nice and calm, accident free, and restful. The gang got back last night after a 20 hour car trip and are happy to be home, Dwayne getting to see a little less of us due to the tooth incident!
Until next time!!
OWWWWWWCH! She looks quite pleased with herself, though! I'm glad the damage wasn't worse. Man, she's got the most awesome eyes!!
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