Monday, June 30, 2008

"My Heart Is Laughing!"

What makes this segment of our blog oh so special is that it involves both ours and Scott and Patsy's families!!

This is one of those moments in a Dad's life that is a memory maker when they hear the words "That was cool!" coming from there oldest son.

Our story begins with us leaving church Sunday night to travel home. We proceed to stop at a set of lights, and thus the revving of engines begins!! The manly men in our lives are of course having a hoot and us mom's are quite impressed that our guys have some of that teenage guy who just got the car and wants to impress the ladies still in them. And so with us jeering on the Buhler's that there car may not actually keep running, and us thinking, we just put on new tires....and the motor bike who weaved in between our cars thinking the dotted line is a lane.... we prepare for what is next..!!!
Our car peels out, not too much mind you but enough to squeal the tires, our kids begin to howl!! Now you need to know that Jasper has been expressing her feelings by using her heart as a monitor. If she is sad, she says her heart is crying, or if she is angry she says her heart is very angry, and so on. So in this moment of tires squealing, and the jokes back and forth, Jasper announces to us all, in her big voice full of glee, " My heart is laughing!!"
And that's not all, because at the first light Scott hadn't squealed his tires, and we are pretty sure that the boys in his car gave him some urging on, because at the next light, that Buhler car gave a good ol' squeal, and the game was on. With an empty stretch of road Dwayne made one last pass with a little extra gas and we moved out in front for good.
At the turn off to our house, we took one last look back to see the Formula 1 sign hanging out the window of the Buhlers' car giving us one last laugh.

So for all of you who need some joy in your life, just think of the laughter that filled our car, the kids who think their Daddies are way too cool now, and a little girl whose heart laughed!!!


At July 3, 2008 at 8:20 AM , Blogger tammi said...

You're a much cooler mom than I am. I always give hubby heck for doing stuff like that with the family in the van!! Oh, and our van doesn't exactly have the stones to "peel out" either. ;)

At July 8, 2008 at 10:43 AM , Blogger Dan and Becky said...

you guys sure are rebels!!! I got a good laugh! thanks for the story. Miss you!


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