So Christmas and New Year's has come and gone and we all survived. The flu ran its course through our family as well as Scott and Patsy's but we are now all up and running!!

Running because we just got back from a week long trip to Pelotas for a wedding and to visit friends, and are now preparing to run a camp for another church group here in the area. They first had asked us to speak, which then after talking a bit more about what we do turned into, can you just run the whole thing for us!! So off we go to Sao Bento do Sul, and share our version of camps to the kids here. Should be a lot of fun. Our family will only be there for a full day and maybe a stop in for another day due to costs for the camp, but the Buhlers', Carol, Nathan and Becky will spend the full camp there. After that Dwayne, Scott and Nathan are heading to another camp(at the beach) to do the speaking. Then in February we are running a camp of our own to train future staff for Quest. Some of our old staff are coming to help, and that is very exciting.

So that is a quick update on what's up for us here. We are busy, very hot, it is very humid and you feel like you can drink the air. Should be an interesting summer here!!! Feel free to send some snow and cold down here!