So since our last blog about Jessi's trip to the hospital she has pretty much made a full recovery. She did have one recurrence but with another week of medication she seems to have pulled through it all. She was a little trooper, took her meds quite well and we are all glad to see her breathing well again and sleeping through the nights.

As for our other little energy bundle, Jasper celebrated her 4th birthday and had a great party with her family and friends. We had hot dogs, with all the fixings including "corn", yep corn! That is a popular thing to eat with everything down here including hot dogs, pizza, burgers of any kind, lasagna, you name it!!
We topped it off with a great big cake, which had a train on it cause she wanted a train for her birthday and we couldn't get her the real thing so we put one on her cake instead which seemed to be just fine!!

As for Christmas plans, we are celebrating this year with Lidi and her parents, Scott and Patsy and the family, as well as Nathan and Becky who are here for the next 6 months(also Canadians who are helping us with Quest).
But before Christmas, we will celebrate Jessi and Jaden's birthdays together and have one more party before the Christmas celebrations begin.
We have been blessed with warm weather and wet weather but all in all we are enjoying the beginnings of summer here. We are so thankful to all our friends, families and churches who have blessed us this year with your prayers, gifts and support. Without your obedience to God and love for us his kids, we wouldn't be where we are today, serving him and reaching those around us. Thank you so much for all you have done, we know God will continue to bless you all this Christmas season, and in the year to come.
Lots of love and blessings,
The Klassens