For all of you who love Jasper stories we have a couple new ones for you! She didn't destroy anything in the house and no one else was hurt!!
So our first story actually happened last night while we were coming back from a walk downtown! After consuming ice cream and allowing some of the sugar to kick in she decided to run as fast as she could down the nice "EVEN" sidewalks of our beautiful city. "Even" meaning, you look down every step on some sidewalks because if you look at the scenery you will likely trip and fall. Anyway, as she cruised ahead she didn't quite get one of her feet high enough and did a face plant on the sidewalk. The onlookers weren't quite sure what to do as this little bundle of energy screamed as loud as her little lungs could. She has a lot of power in those lungs and the voice matches up great!!! And just so you know screaming and crying sounds the same in English and Portuguese.

After a few doctor "Mom" repairs she was quite pleased with her new bandaids and shared with her brother, Dad, and Lidi that she had owies, but would be okay.

She politely displayed her scrapes for the camera for documentation of another of Jasper's moments in life. She woke up this morning feeling better, her owies were all gone and ready for a new day!

Well that's not all! The other day as we were inside doing things we thought we should look for our little energizer bunny and see what she was up to. She had been playing in the back yard and chatting with the neighbors. As we checked up on her we discovered her 6 feet up the fence in the backyard. She was quite enjoying herself and had absolutely no fear. She was quite irritated when her brother went to rescue her because she didn't want to get down. She was having a blast and so were the neighbors listening to this half english, half portuguese speaking little person climbing up the fence. Who needs T.V. when you've got Jasper vision!!!