Well, Christmas and New Years have come and gone and we had a great time with friends and family. We celebrated Christmas with Gwen( Shannon's mom) her friend Kathy, Lidi and her parents. We ate, laughed, played games and just had a fun time together. It was fun to have a full house and share the season with people you care about. The kids loved the attention and the new clothes, toys, coloring books, pictures, and letters from friends and family. They felt very special and so did we. We have a stash of peanut butter and sunflower seeds to last us a while and we are very happy about that!!
We are taking this month to spend together, make a small trip to Pelotas to visit friends and to bring back Lidi at the end of the month. Summer is beautiful with sunny days and rainy days to even out the temperature. Today looks like a warm one so we will try to get out when it's not sooooo hot!
The kids are busy playing and getting along quite well besides the odd scream or accident. Jessi is holding her own now to the bigger ones and lets them know when she isn't impressed by their extra love!!!! Jaden has been playing a lot of basketball with any willing partner, and learning new tricks. He is getting pretty good, in fact he beat me twice the other day! Jasper has not slowed down, and managed to bath Lidi's parents toy poodle during Christmas with nobody knowing until after the fact. We aren't exactly sure how she got the puppy in the sink when she can barely reach!!

Well that's all for now, we'll keep you posted on the next set of events in our ever active lives!