Well, the weather has started to warm up now and we are grateful for it. We have had two days of plus 30' and we are enjoying it. The warm weather means more time for the kids to play outside and that means the house is a little quieter.
Jessi is enjoying herself more and more because she is able to scoot around on her belly and pull herself with her arms. She also experienced the taste of a Brazilian spider. I pulled out the last two legs but the rest seemed to go down smoothly. I think she could be a contender for Fear Factor or Survivor.
Jasper is busy as always and enjoying her sandbox. She is very good at finding any source of water whether we want her to or not. Her latest excuse for a bad attitude is "I'm hungry". Previously it was "I'm tired, or my back is sore" Sounds like her brother and parents complaints but coming from it sounds a lot cuter. Unfortunately for her they don't work so well for getting out of trouble or timeouts.
Jaden is enjoying playing with his friend Uriel 2-3 times per week. They play video games, sword fighting with bamboo, or exploring the area. He is eating more and more and likes to sleep, unfortunately for him his two sisters aren't so quiet!
We (Dwayne and Shannon) are doing good! We are learning more of the language and can carry on more conversations all the time. We are building friendships and really enjoying the beauty of Brazil!
Lidi is studying her biology and just came off a great birthday weekend! She is a great friend, and keeps us sane by helping with all sorts of things.
We have some great news from Canada! Mrs. Wiebes grade 5 class from Linden Christian School in Winnipeg has taken us on as their missionary family for the year. We are very excited and feel very blessed. We just heard from them that they are going to have a Craft and Bake Sale to help raise money for our car. This is an answer to prayer and we are very grateful for their servant hearts. We want to say a special hello and thank you to the class and we will be praying for you all as well. We know that God will bless you as you bless others!
November 1st will be our one year anniversary here! We can't believe how fast the time has gone! We look forward to the coming year and all that God has in store for us.
Love and Blessings,
Dwayne and Shannon