
Jessi-"Hmmmm, i've been caught, now what do i do?"
Jessi- "Lord please help me, i don't know what to do?
Jessi- Is she still talking to me, is she still there?
Mom-"Jessi what happened? Where is Jasper, did she do this? Couldn't be, she is reading a book in the other room, and you are all alone in here!"
Jessi- Maybe if i just look cute, you know innocent like she will never know!
Mom-"Jessi, what did you do?"
Jessi-"Oh, you mean this, well i wanted to take a shower, but i couldn't turn on the tap so i just used the water from the toilet bowl! It looked clean enough to me!"
Mom-"This is exactly why they invented those toilet locks!!"
Have a great day everyone!!!
Hey, if it's clean enough to drink, surely it's clean enough to bathe in!! Reminds me of a Calvin and Hobbes cartoon -- once I get my new 4-in-1 printer hooked up, I'll have to send it to you! Very cute!!
It was great to have Dwayne here last weekend. I think quite inspirational for both of us.
Obrigada Lidi pela perfeita tradução da emocionante história!!!
Muitas saudades dessa família!!!
Carine ( goria, trakinas, graxinha...)
Sempre olho o que vcs escrevem aqui!! E amo cada dia mais essas duas pequenas!!! Elas fazem meus dias mais divertidos!!! Dou muitas risadas!! Acho q logo logo a Jessi vai ensinar coisas novas pra Jasper!!!
Amo essa familia!!
Deus abencoe vcs!!
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