So really, when your son says i'm gonna take my sister for a ride on the bike you assume that all measures will be taken to ensure the safety of the younger sister. And then as you look out from the balcony you see this!!!!!

Cause hey, it is so much more fun and the view is way better from the front of the bike than the back! And he of course uses the brakes in the back not the front to prevent her from being hurled into the pavement!! And of course bike safety in Brazil is way more lax than Canada!
I love my kids and fortunately no injuries or accidents have occurred!

As for Jessi, well she has become a young actress as well and has become quite good at playing dead so that the "doctors" will come and resuscitate her! She likes to mimic and my only fear is that she spends most of her time mimicking Jasper! Thank you Jesus for your angels who watch over my kids!

And on a side note two of Jessi's favorite things are chimarrao and garbage!! So hey, why not have a sit down with both! Too much fun!

Have a great day everyone!!
Ahhh, safety-shmafety. Who needs it?! Looks like they had an awesome time defying death and other accidents! So what, exactly, is chimarrao? For some reason it sounds very tasty!!
PS. I love the new look!
Safety here isn't a major priority! A little scary sometimes especially living in an area with a high number of accidents!
Chimarrao is a type of tea. They put the tea into a type of holder called a cuia. Then add warm water to absorb some of the tea and later add a metal type of straw to suck from. Hot water is added as each person takes turns drinking. If your squeemish about getting germs from the last person too bad. I have never personally known of anyone to get sick drinking it. Maybe when Dwayne comes to see you guys he can bring some to try!! It is very popular in the south of Brazil and we are hooked on it!
Huh. Kind of like Yarba then, eh? Um, no thanks. She looks dang cute sitting there and drinking it!
Safety's probably not as high a priority out here in the middle of nowhere as it should be either!
I believe Yarba sounds about right! But hey, like they say can't knock it til ya try it! Actually at first i wasn't all that keen on it seeing how it didn't have sugar but now that i've kept drinking it and am so much older now(lol) ya actually start to like it and crave it. I still however drink my coffee with sugar, i'm not that grown up yet!!
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