You know those moments as a parent when an unusual silence creeps over the house, it's not even close to being dark outside, and you ask yourself and your spouse where are the kids? Sometimes, I think that it would be better just to sit and enjoy the silence because deep down in your gut you know that when you start the search, the end result will probably be something like this!!!!!!!!!!

So instead of just Jasper getting into trouble on her own she now has a very willing partner in crime who loves to do everything her big sister does. Obviously the hiding in between the dollhouse and the dresser proves that at least the older one knew that what they were doing was wrong and the closed door and silence really just topped it all off!

I truly believe that Jessi and Jasper will never have a case of cradle cap again in their lives, and that baby oil and bubble gum don't taste too good! I do however believe that Jessi won't have any problems going to the bathroom again for awhile and that their room will smell pretty good for awhile.

Do those faces just not say it all????
And so after putting them through the shower a couple of times and washing some very oily clothes, things are back to "normal" and we wait for the next time!!!!!!!!!
Oh, how familiar I am with that dreadful feeling once the realization hits that I haven't heard the little troublemakers for a while!! Actually, with Hannah, that silence always just meant she was reading or playing contentedly by herself. Abby, on the other hand, is extremely loud ALL THE TIME, so on the odd occasion when I can't hear her, panic sets in very quickly!!
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